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What would for Mars look like? allows regular people to help build a map of every place on earth. It is a big editing toolbox that allows you to position roads, paths, buildings, and landmarks. If the same type of tool was available for Mars, what types of features would one place on Mars? Would it be for scientific purposes? Would it be for creating hypothetical cities on Mars? Or would it be a little of both?
If something like this does not already exist, would this make a good "space mission activation process" proposal, or does it lack a certain novelty which other proposals contain?
Black Sky
What if the future of space travel and colonization is VR? Participants could spend most of their time in fully immersive VR that provides any pleasant environment they wish - complete with earth like conditions such as water, plants and earth gravity. The care of the participants bodies might also be simplified with life support systems.
Participants would be free to leave the simulation when they liked or to remote control robots from within the simulation. Changes to the physical environment could be rare and carefully planned. A substantial preference for living in the simulation could enable very simple physical structures that could be easy to build, shield, and maintain.
This could make very long term space flights more bearable and be more desirable than cryonic suspension.